1. Through the Ascension, Jesus elevated our human nature up to heaven. He heartened the men from Galilee as He ascended into heaven as the first from men. Let us give thanksgiving to God, because Jesus did not reject us in our human nature but as our Head He led us to the heavenly homeland to strengthen our hope that we will also enter there in body and soul.Let us listen to all that Jesus did and taught. Through forty days the Lord appeared to the men from Galilee. He encouraged them to be his witnesses and to teach all nations to the ends of the earth. The Lord collaborates with them and proves their teach-ing with signs and wonders, which accompanied them. 2. Anyone interested in learning how to operate the overhead screen please contact Dora Plastino at 705 949-4937 or Marion Leach at 705– 949 –9797 the more people we get then we can takes turns. Thank You. 3. A PARISH PASTORAL MEETING will be held in the rectory on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 7:00 P.M. Zoom will be available for those who wish. Copies of the „norms for Parish Pastoral Counicl” and „The Consti-tution at the Holy Family Parish” will be requested for at least the Two members of the Parish Pastoral Council for the Tuesday June 7 2022 for Fred Possebon & Christine Quinlan. Parish President will also resend the Mintues from the last Meeting again closer to the time of Meeting along with the aganda. 4. UNITED N ATIONS: Record number of refuges in the world. For the first time, 100 million people in the world are fleeing conflict, violence, human rights, abuses, and persecutions. This was announced in Gene-va by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Fillipo Grandi. It was a „serious and alarming” number, he said. This „record” sholud never be broken . (eKAI). 5.The Pope’s grief over the desasters in Canada and Michigan. In telegrams signed by Cardinal Parolin, Pope Francis expressed his sympathy for the natural disasters that caused death and destruction... Canada’s most populous provinces, Ontario & Quebec, were particularly had hit, where a least eight people were killed by a two-hour storm, that hit the area with winds 130km/ h. Francis commends to God the tragic dead and all those who suffer the consequences of this disaster, adding a special blessing to the civil Authorities who continue to provide the necessary help. Francis expressed his regret for this event and his deep solidarity with all those affected by this natural disaster, invoking the blessings of heaven for the dead, wounded, evacuees and those involved in helping in the small town of Gaylord in northern Michigan last week. 6.Euthanasia is spreading more and more in Europe & beyond. The Nether-lands & Belgium are disgrace-ful examples, but more countries are joining them. From 2022, assisted suicide in Australia will be possi-ble in the case of people without diagnosed mental illnesses. Euthanasia is murder, which is not only morally reprehensible, but should be punishable. It is also a consent to help in suicie.